Kaliningrad oblast: three decades of recent history and its modern status in a changing geopolitical situation
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Kaliningrad oblast: three decades of recent history and its modern status in a changing geopolitical situation

The article is devoted to the geopolitical development of the only exclave region of the Russian Federation – the Kaliningrad Oblast – in the changing geopolitical situation since its transformation into an exclave separated from the main part of the country by foreign states (September 6, 1991). The aim of the study is to analyze how the degree of exclavity of the Kaliningrad Oblast changed with the changes in the geopolitical situation in the Baltic region and how the exclave region of Russia responded to these challenges, adapting to the changes. Four stages of the geopolitical development of the Kaliningrad Oblast are identified and considered, with special attention paid to the current stage, which began with the beginning of the Special military operation in February 2022. It is concluded that at this stage, the degree of exclavity of the Kaliningrad Oblast has become the highest for the entire period under review due to restrictions from the EU on freight and passenger traffic with the mainland Russia and with foreign Europe, visa restrictions and the actual cessation of cross-border cooperation with regions of neighboring states. The exclave region of the Russian Federation is currently developing according to the scenario of "Russian outpost on the Baltic" (primarily military) in combination with the scenario of "Russian territory of priority development" instead of the optimal, but absolutely impossible in the current and predicted geopolitical realities scenario of "Region of cooperation" between Russia and the EU. In order to develop the region in changing geopolitical conditions and compensate for the costs of exclavity, it is proposed to develop and adopt a new Concept of federal policy in relation to the exclave region - the Kaliningrad region, the Federal Law "On the Kaliningrad region as an exclave territory of Russia" and a new Strategy for the development of the exclave region of Russia - the Kaliningrad region.

About authors
Yury Zverev
Chief Specialist of the Center for Geopolitical Studies of the Baltic Region, Institute for Geopolitical and Regional Studies
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Nikolay Mezhevich
Head of the Center for Belarusian Studies at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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