Mahdist State in the Colonial Struggle of France and Great Britain in Sudan (1880s — 1890s)
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Mahdist State in the Colonial Struggle of France and Great Britain in Sudan (1880s — 1890s)

The article analyzes the evolution of the “Sudanese question” in the system of international relations in the last third of the 19th century. The thesis is argued that for Great Britain control over the Sudanese territories was an important link in the struggle for the creation of the world’s largest colonial empire. The threat of war between Britain and France during this period was quite real. The military, primarily naval, weakness of France was one of the essential reasons for its retreat from Sudan. The settlement of the colonial differences between England and France in Northeast Africa later became one of the reasons for the emergence of the Entente as a counterbalance to the growing German Empire.

About authors
Ruslan Kharkovsky
Associate Professor of the Department of History, Lugansk State University

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