The influence of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia on the Formation of the Communist Party of Great Britain (1920—1930)
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The influence of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia on the Formation of the Communist Party of Great Britain (1920—1930)
The article “The Influence of the October Revolution in Russia in 1917 on the formation of the Communist Party of Great Britain (1920—1930)”, written by A. Prokopov, deals with the problem of complex influence of the October events 1917 in Russia, seizure of power by Bolsheviks and the activity of the Comintern upon the evolution of views of left socialists in Britain and on the formation and development of the Communist Party of Great Britain during the interwar years. The author also tries to analyze the causes why the revolutionary ideas did not conquer the majority of British working class.
About authors
Alexander Prokopov
Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World History RAS

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