“Moving on to Our Favorite Subject, Statistics”: Corres pondence between Academicians P. I. Köppen and K. S. Veselovskii
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“Moving on to Our Favorite Subject, Statistics”: Corres pondence between Academicians P. I. Köppen and K. S. Veselovskii

The article provides an in-depth analysis of the correspondence between two prominent Russian scholars in the field of political economy and statistics, Academicians P. I. Köppen and K. S. Veselovskii (also spelled Veselovsky). The documents, held in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences and covering the period from 1842 to 1864, contain information on a wide range of issues related to institutional, cognitive, and personal history of science. The careers of Köppen and Veselovskii exemplify the challenge of personnel succession at the Academy of Sciences’ Department of Political Economy and Statistics. The correspondence demonstrates that these scholars shared their views on the latest findings in statistics, history, and geography; discussed organizational issues within the Academy of Sciences and the Russian Geographical Society, and shared intimate details of their lives. The content of these letters enables us to reconstruct significant details of the implementation of major research projects of the mid-19th century, including the measurement of the area of Russian provinces, the preparation of a geographical and statistical dictionary, and the study of climate in Russia. The problem of academic staff replacement is highlighted from a new perspective and substantial additions are made to the history of Russian participation in the International Statistical Congresses. The significance of these epistolary materials for the studies of social and cognitive history of Russian statistics is emphasized.

About authors
Andrey Skrydlov
Saint Petersburg Branch of the Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences

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